Tuesday, January 4, 2011

J'aime Paris, France

So to follow up from yesterday, I want to share with you my amour for Paris, France. It all began with a church youth group missions trip to La Rochelle, France. I believe the year was 2004 (well the summer of '04) and my church youth group was taking a missions trip to La Rochelle, France after a week at TLC (for those of you who don't know that's Teen Leadership Conference)

Why here is our little group now... (pst look below)
We are quite the bunch, are we not?!
Anyways, this trip (little did I know) was about to change my view on life. It opened my eyes to a world of new and exciting dreams. You see we were able to go because Londa's (the one is the blue stripped shirt on the left side) brother was a missionary over there and we were going over to help him out. We passed out tracks to tell people about his church and of course the love of God. I will never forget this trip for as long as I live.

I would totally do another trip too. You see this trip to France was so incredibly amazing that if given the opportunity and funding I would go again no questions asked. Missions is a feeling that I can even descirbe to anyone!! You see there is this missions trip called The World Race ( www.theworldrace.org ) the first time I read information on it I instantly wanted to go!!

Back to the France trip. While we were there we got the pleasure of working with Mark's youth as well (pst look down again)
There is one girl in this photo that will ever be ingrained into my mind Julia (she is in white on the right front row) They were new to the church and luckily she got to meet some loud Americans (that's how they refereed to us). So after we came home a few weeks later I received a letter from Julia in the mail and yes I still have it. I read it every now and then. Yes of course I wrote her back and no I never received a response. That's fine though that letter still and always will mean a lot to me.

Towards the end of our trip, you guessed it, we got to go to Paris for a day. It was awesome!! It still feels like a dream. We shopped, ate the delicious food, took a tour on a double decked bus and of course went to the Eiffel Tower. No we didn't go to the top but I would love to go back and go as far as up as I could handle lol
Here is another picture for you...
All in all the trip just opened my heart up to the world of missions and I have always wanted to do another one and another and another. It is an incredible experience that I recommend to ALL  I hope one day I get the opportunity to go again, who knows maybe I will get to do the World Race. But before I sign off for today I will show a couple more photos and tell you this...Missions doesn't have to be over seas it can be in your very own back yard. You see I too am working on this..you know being able to share God's love with everyone. Not that you should run up to people in the mall and yell in there faces "God loves you and if you don't accept Him as your personal Savior then you're going to Hell!!"  No don't do that but if someone does ask you don't just shy away and change the subject. tell them why you're happy all the time, tell them about your Heavenly Father. Believe me it feels amazing to share that with people. So lets work on it together shall we?! Why you think about it enjoy these photos!! 
The City Streets of Paris

Notre Dome
Champs Elysees

Eiffel Tower

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